114 Coldstream Rd. Fenelon Falls, ON K0M1N0
114 Coldstream Rd. Fenelon Falls, ON K0M1N0
Saturday July1th 6:30pm Halloween in the park...15 years and younger
Saturday July1th Weather Permitting.... Fireworks on the Beach
July1th 11:00 Canada Day Celebrations begin on the beach
Saturday July 8th Pot Luck Dinner 5:00pm hosted by Jessie and Zenon, bring all kind of meat, salads, veggies or desserts.
Saturday July 1th 9:00pm - 1:00am Dancing in the Dark.
Saturday August 5th 11:00am Kids Water races sign up at the beach
Saturday August 5th 2:00pm Adult Blind Man Race sign up with Larry
Sunday August 6th 11:00am Pennington Island Race
Sunday August 6th RiverBall Race... see Paula or Jim
Sunday August 6th 2:00pm Horseshoe Tournament Donna J Lot#49
Saturday August th "The Marty" 3rd Annual Golf Tournament Bill and Sharon Lot #1
******Wheelbarrow Donnations begin... See Wilson's, Gardner's or Rockburne's********
Saturday September 2th 11:00 Donut eating contest, sac races and "Arkadia Park Scavenger Hunt"
Saturday September 2th 1:00pm Horseshoe Tournament Sign up with Heather S
Sunday September 3th 12:00pm Euchure Tournament
Sunday September 3th 5:00pm Prizes and Wheelbarrow draw
Sunday September 3th 6:45pm Fishing Derby Sign up with Jay
Saturday September 2th 5:00PM 2nd Annual International Night organized by Cindy.